Browsing by Author "Güngör, Cengiz"
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Bibliometric overview of operations research/management science research in Turkey
Bilir, Canser; Güngör, Cengiz; Kökalan, Özgür (Yildiz Technical Univ, 2019)This paper provides a bibliometric analysis of the articles in the field of Operations Research - Management Science (OR / MS) published between the years 1980- 2017 by researchers from Turkey. The main objective of the ... -
Operations research/management science research in Europe: a bibliometric overview
Bilir, Canser; Güngör, Cengiz; Kökalan, Özgür (Hindawi Ltd, 2020)This paper provides a bibliometric analysis of the articles in the field of operations research or management science (OR/MS) published in the years 1980-2018 by European researchers. The analysis's objective is to identify ... -
Yerel yönetimlerde stratejik planlama
Coşar, Fatih (İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim Üniversitesi, 2016)Kamu yönetiminin amacı, hazırlanan politikalarla toplumun düzenini temin ederek insanlara hizmet götürmektir. Kamu kurumları arasında bu amaca uygun olarak çalışan en önemli kurumlar olarak yerel yönetimler ortaya çıkmaktadır. ...