Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü Makale Koleksiyonu
Recent Submissions
One Universal Civilization: Superiority and Eurocentric Conception of the Rest
(Sakarya Üniversitesi, 2024)The prevailing notion suggests a universal or human civilization, positing all as subsets of a shared human experience. This article critiques this perspective, arguing that the contemporary concept of human civilization ... -
The Abraham Accords: Can Interculturalism Solve Grave Conflicts of the Middle East?
(JOURNAL ECUMENICAL STUDIES, 2022)The Abraham Accords are intended to end the still-unresolved Arab-Israeli conflict. Introduced also as an intercultural project to ensure peace among hostile countries of the Middle East, the Accords have been welcomed by ... -
Muasır Medeni̇yet Sevi̇yesi̇nin Çok Uzağında: Mahmut Makal’ın Bi̇zi̇m Köy Adlı Eseri̇ Işığında Türki̇ye’de Cumhuri̇yetçi̇li̇ği̇n Köylülükle İli̇şki̇si
(Kadim Yayınları, 2023)1940’lı yılların sonunda Varlık dergisinde yayımlanan bir dizi deneme, genç bir köy öğretmeni olan Mahmut Makal’ı Türkiye’nin gündemine taşıdı. Makal, İç Anadolu’nun bir köyündeki gündelik yaşam izlenimleri nedeniyle ... -
Terrorist Use of Cyber Technology
(Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi, 2021)The risk posed by terrorist use of cyber technology and cyber terrorism have been of great concern to politicians, decision makers, security officials. This article studies terrorist use of cyber technology and cyber ... -
The Concept of “Middle Power” and the Recent Turkish Foreign Policy Activism
(Musiad (Independent Industrialists and Businessmen's Association), 2021)This study examines the concept of “middle power” and the possible applicability of this concept within the framework of Turkish foreign policy. An increasing number of publications on the subject of Turkish foreign policy ... -
The BDP in Turkey and Its Approach to the Gender Question
(Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture, 2013)This article evaluates how the pro-kurdish party Barış ve Demokrasi Partisi (BDP, The Peace and Democracy Party) which was founded in 2008 in Turkey, deals with women’s problems. The research is based on three main pillars: ... -
The Headscarf Question in Turkey: The Examples of the AKP and the CHP
(Serdar Yavuz, 2013)This study aims to analyze how the main political parties in Turkey, the AKP (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi, The Justice and Development Party) and the CHP (Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi, The Republican People’s Party), approach ... -
Türkiye’de Aleviler ve Siyasi Partiler İlişkisi: Cumhuriyet Gazetesi Üzerinden Bir İnceleme
(Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Derneği, 2013)Bu çalışma, Türkiye’deki hükümet partisi Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AKP) ile ana muhalefet partisi Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi’nin (CHP) Alevilerin taleplerini ne kadar karşıladıklarını Cumhuriyet Gazetesi haberleri üzerinden ... -
Perceptions of Women’s Political Partipation in Turkey: The Examples of The AKP and The CHP
(Mustafa Süleyman Özcan, 2013)This paper portrays how the two leading political parties in Turkey, the center-right Justice and Development Party (the AKP) and the center-left Republican People‟s Party (the CHP) approach women‟s political ... -
Les discussions sur l’avortement dans Les annees 2000 en Turquie et les Approches politiques
(2014)This study aims at understanding how Turkish political parties perceive the subject of abortion, what differences there are between the approach of center-right and center-left parties as well as between men and women ... -
Alevis and political parties in Turkey: An analysis through the press
(International Association of Social Science Research - IASSR, 2014)This paper evaluates to what extent the governing party in Turkey, Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (Justice and Development Party, JDP) from the center-right, and the main opposition party, Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (Republican ... -
The Gezi Park Protests and Youth in Turkey: Perception of Hürriyet Columnists
(Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Derneği, 2014)This study aims to evaluate how the columnists of Hürriyet (Liberty), one of the most sold national dailies in Turkey, characterized the role of youth in the Gezi Park protests. The protests started on May 28, 2013 in ... -
The Activities of Female Politicians in Turkey: The Examples of The AKP and The CHP
(Serdar Yavuz, THE ACTIVI)Are there differences between the activities of women in right-wing parties and left-wing parties? This article pursuesthis question by focusing on two ideologically opposed parties in Turkey, the AKP (Adalet ve Kalkınma ... -
The Kurdish Female Politicians in Turkey and Their Areas of Interest
(2014)This article focuses on the female deputies of the pro-Kurdish BDP (Barış ve Demokrasi Partisi, The Peace and Democracy Party). The activities of the Kurdish female deputies were studied through Hürriyet (Liberty), a ... -
An Example for the Construction of Masculinity in Turkey: The Woman Has No Name
(2017)In Turkey, the academic works on gender rather focus on Women’s Studies, whilst Masculinity Studies are perceived as a relatively new research field. From this perspective, the aim of this work is to look closely at the ... -
Hillary Rodham Clinton, The First Woman Who Got Closest to The Presidency in America
(Serdar Yavuz, 2017)This paper focuses on the life of Hillary Rodham Clinton, the first female politi-cian who ran for presidential election of the United States in 2016. Based on the biograp-hies, autobiographies of Hillary Clinton, articles ... -
Iqbal, Nietzsche, and Nihilism: Reconstruction of Sufi Cosmology and Revaluation of Sufi Values in Asrar-i-Khudî
(Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2023)While the problem of nihilism is derived from a particular historical and intellectual context in Western philosophy, i.e., the pantheism controversy in modern German philosophy and the ideas of Nietzsche, non-Western ... -
Rethinking Ethics in International Affairs: Reshaping Civilizational Discourse
(University of Malaya, 2022)The notion and applicability of ethics in the public sphere have become a relatively obscure matter with the prevailing incursion of political secularism. The functioning model of contemporary polity leads us to believe ... -
Reclaiming the Umma from the Margins: The Case of Türkiye’s HÜDA-PAR
(SETA FOUNDATION, 2023)This paper investigates the relationship between an ethnic Muslim minority identity and transnational Muslim solidarity through the case study of HuDA-PAR,1 the most organized political Islamic organization and the ... -
The image of sulṭān in Islamic mirror of princes
(Istanbul University, 2022)This article seeks to explore the claims that al-Ādāb al-Sulṭānīyah literature legitimized tyranny, involving subverting religion to be a tool in the hands of political authorities and legitimizing the absolute authority ...