Browsing Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü Makale Koleksiyonu by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 60
The Abraham Accords: Can Interculturalism Solve Grave Conflicts of the Middle East?
(JOURNAL ECUMENICAL STUDIES, 2022)The Abraham Accords are intended to end the still-unresolved Arab-Israeli conflict. Introduced also as an intercultural project to ensure peace among hostile countries of the Middle East, the Accords have been welcomed by ... -
The Activities of Female Politicians in Turkey: The Examples of The AKP and The CHP
(Serdar Yavuz, THE ACTIVI)Are there differences between the activities of women in right-wing parties and left-wing parties? This article pursuesthis question by focusing on two ideologically opposed parties in Turkey, the AKP (Adalet ve Kalkınma ... -
Adalet, ahlak ve aidiyet
(İlimyurdu Yayıncılık, 2019)Aristo’dan beri siyaset teorisinde adalet kavramı iki anlayış üzerinden tartışıla gelmiştir. Birisi Aristo’nun dağıtım dediği kavram üzerinden anlamını bulan ve genel olarak sol düşüncenin öngördüğü adalet anlayışı. Diğeri ... -
AKP as political and social center
(İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2013)This study examines the structure of Turkish party system based on center-periphery and state-religion cleavage analytical categories and it tries to describe how it has changed along Justice and Development Party’s ten ... -
Alevis and political parties in Turkey: An analysis through the press
(International Association of Social Science Research - IASSR, 2014)This paper evaluates to what extent the governing party in Turkey, Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (Justice and Development Party, JDP) from the center-right, and the main opposition party, Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (Republican ... -
Analyzing the case of cyprus during the Ottoman and British political establish-ments
(The Associations of Intellectuals "Democratic Club", 2015)The problem of Cyprus has been analyzed deeply from variety of local, regional and international perspectives. This is because the Cyprus conflict it is an historical important issue within the international agenda, ... -
The BDP in Turkey and Its Approach to the Gender Question
(Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture, 2013)This article evaluates how the pro-kurdish party Barış ve Demokrasi Partisi (BDP, The Peace and Democracy Party) which was founded in 2008 in Turkey, deals with women’s problems. The research is based on three main pillars: ... -
Bir sivil beraberlik olarak devlet
(Liberte Yayınları, 2017)Alman düşünür Nietzsche’nin çarpıcı ifadelerle dile getirdiği bu görüşlerinden devletin birkaç özelliği ortaya çıkar: Devlet herkese hükmeden sınırsız bir güçtür, kendisini ulusun tümüyle özdeşleştirir, düzenleyici bir ... -
The Concept of “Middle Power” and the Recent Turkish Foreign Policy Activism
(Musiad (Independent Industrialists and Businessmen's Association), 2021)This study examines the concept of “middle power” and the possible applicability of this concept within the framework of Turkish foreign policy. An increasing number of publications on the subject of Turkish foreign policy ... -
Discrepancies in transgender persons (protection of rights) act, 2018: a comparative study of transgender's rights in Pakistan and India
(Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, 2020)Purpose Comparison. Design/methodology/approach Qualitative, Analytical. Findings The paper will suggest where the Pakistani legislation will have to be amended without affecting the core subject of the transgender rights ... -
Doğu’dan Batı’ya devlet
(Doğu Batı Yayınevi, 2017)Devlet, insanlığın kendisi kadar eski bir kurumdur. Bir anlayışa göre insanların bir arada yaşamaya başlamasıyla birlikte yönetim ihtiyacı ortaya çıktı, bu da zamanla karmaşık bir hal alarak devlete evrildi. Başka bir ... -
Emerging human rights discourses in post-uprising Egypt
(Ortadoğu Araştırmaları Derneği, 2021)The uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region during 2011, which resulted in the demise of authoritarian rulers or gave rise to some political and economic reforms, proved the significance of human rights ... -
Entrustment ethics and secularism: Taha Abdurrahman’s perspective
(İstanbul Üniversitesi, 2022)With an ethical-centered philosophy, Taha Abdurrahman remains one of the most significant and sophisticated Arab philosophers of today. This review article seeks to elaborate on two of his recent books, which builds on and ... -
Evaluating Hamas’ struggle in Palestine
(SETA Foundation, 2020)This article examines the history and outcomes of Hamas’ involvement in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. By using published sources and conducting interviews with five incumbent Hamas officials living abroad, the article ... -
An Example for the Construction of Masculinity in Turkey: The Woman Has No Name
(2017)In Turkey, the academic works on gender rather focus on Women’s Studies, whilst Masculinity Studies are perceived as a relatively new research field. From this perspective, the aim of this work is to look closely at the ... -
Films, politics and history: the eample of the Gallipoli Campaign
(Serdar Yavuz, 2019)The Gallipoli Campaign, which turned out to be a failure for the Allies and a victory for the Ottoman Empire, is a significant part of World War One. The representation of the Gallipoli Campaign in film and its connection ... -
Fransız basınında Müslüman kadınlar: 2015’de Le Figaro ve Le Monde örneği
(İrfan Türkoğlu, 2019)Çerçeveleme ve içerik analizi yaklaşımı kullanan bu çalışmada, Müslüman kadınların Avrupa medyasındaki ele alınışı, iki Fransız gazetesine, merkez-sağdan Le Figaro ile merkez-soldan Le Monde’a, 1 Ocak 2015-1 Ocak 2016’ya ... -
Fundamentals of Greek nationalism: the case of national identity card
(Visions Magazine, 2020)This article shows that historical realities of Greek nationalism continue to be relevant today. Dual heritages of Greek nationalism, Byzantine (Orthodoxy) and ancient Greece, have been a source of different answers ... -
The Gezi Park Protests and Youth in Turkey: Perception of Hürriyet Columnists
(Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Derneği, 2014)This study aims to evaluate how the columnists of Hürriyet (Liberty), one of the most sold national dailies in Turkey, characterized the role of youth in the Gezi Park protests. The protests started on May 28, 2013 in ... -
The Headscarf Question in Turkey: The Examples of the AKP and the CHP
(Serdar Yavuz, 2013)This study aims to analyze how the main political parties in Turkey, the AKP (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi, The Justice and Development Party) and the CHP (Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi, The Republican People’s Party), approach ...