Browsing Matematik ve Fen Bilimleri Eğitimi Bölümü Koleksiyonu by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 36
Statistical analysis of soil heavy metals of Istanbul children playgrounds
(SILA SCIENCE, 2012)In this study, collected urban soil samples have been collected in different sites of Istanbul. The soil samples have been analyzed and Al, Ca, Mg, K, Zn, Pb, Cu, Ni, Co, Cr, V, Cd, Na levels have been measured. Following ... -
Factor analysis of the effect of class rules on the behaviors
(2013)The effect of Intraclass behaviors on education is substantial. The behaviors are designated by the class rules. In this study, the survey consists of 35 questions which are class rules' in regard to effect of behaviors ... -
A Second Degree Newton Method for an Inverse Scattering Problem for a Dielectric Cylinder
(Hitit Üniversitesi, 2015)The inverse obstacle scattering problem we are interested is to reconstruct the image of an infinitely long homogeneous dielectric cylinder from the far field pattern for scattering of a time-harmonic E-polarized ... -
From a literature review to a research direction: Integrative supply chain network optimization models
(Universite de Lorraine, 2015)The number of studies addressing supply chain network (SCN) optimization and modeling has grown substantially over the last decade. Here we review the strategic SCN optimization literature and discuss several model features, ... -
An Examination Of Preservice Mathematics Teachers’ Realistic Approaches With Division With Remainder (DWR) Problems
(Selim Hilmi ÖZKAN, 2016)The purpose of this study was to investigate preservice mathematics teachers’ realistic approaches during problem solving and posing. In advance of this study, pilot study had been implemented to see its necessity. According ... -
Prospective Teachers’ Beliefs about Problem Solving in Multiple Ways
(Horizon Research Publishing Cooperation, 2016)The purpose of this study is to analyze whether prospective teachers believe solving a mathematics problem involves in using different solution methods. 60 mathematics prospective teachers who take the pedagogic training ... -
A study on the visualization skills of 6th Grade Students
(Horizon Research Publishing, 2018)Visualization is an effective method for students to internalize concepts and to establish correlations between concepts. Visualization method is especially more important in mathematics which is perceived as the combination ... -
Ortaokul’da STEM
(Eğitim Kitabevi Yayınları, 2018)Kitap özeti: Son yıllarda dünyada hızla yayılan STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering And Mathematics) yaklaşımı geçtiğimiz beş yıl içinde ülkemizde de popüler hale gelmiştir. Bu popüler yaygınlaşmanın moda özelliklerine ... -
A Theoretical Study on STEM Education: Proposal of Two Applications
(2018)As communication technology develops rapidly in the 21st century, it is easy to reach knowledge. At this point students should be able to create their own knowledge by researching, analyzing and synthesizing rather than ... -
Ortaokul ve lise okul yöneticilerinin kodlama eğitimine yönelik görüşlerinin incelenmesi (Bağcılar İlçesi örneği)
(İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi, 2019)Çalışmanın amacı ortaokul ve lise okul yöneticilerinin kodlama eğitimine yönelik görüşlerinin incelenmesidir. Bu araştırmada nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden durum çalışması deseni kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubu ... -
Comparison of mathematical problem posing skills of university students in the context of critical thinking dispositions
(İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi, 2019)The purpose of this study is to question the existence of a relationship between the tendency to think critically and the ability to form mathematical problems. In other words, questioning the ability of mathematical ... -
Avro bölgesi şoklarının Türkiye’ye etkileri: global VAR yaklaşımı
(T.C. Hazine ve Maliye Bakanlığı, 2020)Bu makale Türkiye’nin Avro Bölgesi ve ülkeleri ile olan ekonomik ilişkilerini Global VAR modeli kullanarak analiz etmektedir. Analiz dünyanın farklı bölgelerinden 28 ülkeye ait 1996-2016 dönemini kapsayan çeyrektik verilere ... -
Elementary Freshmen’s Mathematical Attitudes in Teaching Incorporating Free Problem Posing Activities
(2020)This study aims to investigate the impact that teaching incorporating free problem posing activities has on elementary freshmen’s attitudes toward mathematics. As such, this study employs an embedded mixed methods design ... -
Artificial NARX neural network model of wind speed: case of Istanbul-Avcilar
(Springer Singapore Pte Ltd, 2021)Wind farms have a focus role in environmentally friendly energy production. There are short-term estimates of wind speed in planning energy production in wind power plants. In this article, we analyzed the wind speed in ... -
İlkokulda Matematik Öğretimini Destekleyici Faktörler
(Efe Akademi Yayınevi, 2021)Önsöz'den: Çocukların toplumun bireyleri olarak yetiştirilmelerinde okulların önemi giderek artmaktadır. Okulların, çocukların ve gençlerin eğitim almalarında sağladığı katkı okullardan uzak kalan çocuklar ve ... -
The analysis of problem posing skills about ıntegers of prospective primary school mathematics teachers who have experienced in problem posing
(Mustafa Özgenel, 2022)This study aims to analyze the problem-posing skills of primary school mathematics teacher candidates with problem-posing experience and their views on problem posing. The case study, one of the qualitative studies, was ... -
Analysis of philosophy of mathematics activities on students’ attitudes and beliefs towards mathematics
(Ercan Masal, 2022)When the strong relationship between mathematics and philosophy, behavioral objectives from the secondary mathematics education curriculum of Ministry of National Education and the goal of the philosophy of mathematics is ... -
106.38 PWW: Sin α + sin β and cos β-cos α
(CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2022)The Mathematical Gazette , Volume 106 , Issue 567 , November 2022 , pp. 514 -
The probabilities of type I and II error of null of cointegration tests: A Monte Carlo comparison
(Public Library of Science, 2022)This paper evaluates the performance of eight tests with null hypothesis of cointegration on basis of probabilities of type I and II errors using Monte Carlo simulations. This study uses a variety of 132 different data ... -
On φ-δ-Primary Submodules
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2022)In this paper, we introduce and study a new class of submodules which unify the concepts of prime and primary submodules. Let M be a unital module over a commutative ring R,ϕ:L(M)→L(M)∪{∅} be a reduction function and δ: ...