Elektrik-Elektronik Mühendisliği Bölümü Makale Koleksiyonu
Recent Submissions
Hardware in the Loop Based Design, Development and Verification of Multi-Agent System (MAS) Based Protection for a Smart Distribution Network
(2023)Modern koruma röleleri, akıllı şebeke işleyişini optimize etmede temel bileşenler olarak hizmet eder. Birçok besleyici ve enerji kaynağını entegre etmek, çift yönlü enerji akışını etkili bir şekilde yönetmek için verimli ... -
A contribution to structural reliability analysis of composite high-pressure hydrogen storage tanks
(Warsaw "Versita", 2023)Although composite high-pressure tanks are a subject of growing interest, especially for hydrogen storage applications, a detailed structural reliability analysis still needs to be improved. This work aims to provide a ... -
Load frequency control in smart grids: A review of recent developments
(Elsevier Ltd., 2023)This study provides a comprehensive and fresh review of load frequency control (LFC) in multi-area interconnected power systems (MAIPSs). The central tasks of LFC are to keep frequency variations as minimum as possible to ... -
Utilizing Metaheuristics to Estimate Wind Energy Integration in Smart Grids With A Comparative Analysis of Ten Distributions
(Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2024)Renewable energy presents the most favorable approach to address the escalating challenge of greenhouse gas emissions while simultaneously guaranteeing the safeguarding of the environment. This article utilizes ten different ... -
Multi agent system based adaptive numerical relay design and development, Part II: Hardware
(Elsevier Ltd, 2023)Integrating multiple feeders and power sources into the electrical grid necessitates more robust protection systems. Existing numerical relays require manual reconfiguration of each relay for any network or protection ... -
Multiagent System-Based Adaptive Numerical Relay Design and Development: Part I - Firmware
(Kauno Technologijos Universitetas, 2023)Protection relays that incorporate advanced microprocessors are vital to electrical grids, providing fast and reliable responses to faulty conditions using efficient communication protocols. Instant detection and response ... -
Practical Implementation of Multithreaded Communication Protocols in Modern Protection Relays
(Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2023)Microprocessor-based protection relays that provide reliable and fast responses to abnormal conditions are of paramount importance to electrical grids. Modern numerical relays constitute communication protocols to facilitate ... -
Development of a Counterfeit Vehicle License Plate Detection System by Using Deep Learning
(Balkan Yayın, 2022)In this study, a deep learning-based counterfeit plate detection system that compares and detects vehicles with the make, model, color, and license plate is designed. As known that the relevant government institutions are ... -
Power Line Communication Over Flexible Cables for Elevator Cabins
(KAUNAS UNIVERSITY TECHNOLOGY KAUNAS UNIV TECHNOL, DEPT ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING, 2022)Power line communication has become a major focus of research with its applicability extending to residential facilities. This article examines data transmission over flexible AC power line cables stretching from the ... -
Multi-Agent Systems Based Adaptive Protection for Smart Distribution Network
(Taylor & Francis, 2022)The smart power grid has been developed and improved constantly to be able to incorporate protection, automation, communication, and advanced control methods. As a result, the smart power grid system protection is expected ... -
A comparative assessment of five different distributions based on five different optimization methods for modeling wind speed distribution
(Gazi Üniversitesi, 2023)Determining wind regime distribution patterns is essential for many reasons; modelling wind power potential is one of the most crucial. In that regard, Weibull, Gamma, and Rayleigh functions are the most widely used ... -
Rüzgâr enerjisi potansiyelini değerlendirirken önemli hususlar
(Gazi Üniversitesi, 2022)Rüzgâr rejimi dağılım modelinin belirlenmesi birkaç nedenden dolayı gereklidir, rüzgâr gücü çıktısını tahmin etmek en önemli konulardan biridir. Bu açıdan rüzgâr hızı dağılımını modellemek için Weibull, Gamma ve Rayleigh ... -
Detection of faults in electrical power grids using an enhanced anomaly-based method
(King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, 2022)The increasing demand on electrical power consumption all over the world makes the need of stable and reliable electrical power grids is indispensable. However, one of hostile obstacles which delays reaching out to that ... -
Comparison of five different distributions based on three metaheuristics to model wind speed distribution
(Engineering and Scientific Research Groups, 2022)Wind energij Modelling is crucial in studijing anij site s feasibilitij. Wind energij Modelling principallij depends on wind speed distribution. Determining wind speed distribution is fundamentallij based on the used ... -
Enhanced anomaly-based fault detection system in electrical power grids
(Wiley-Hindawi, 2022)Early and accurate fault detection in electrical power grids is a very essential research area because of its positive influence on network stability and customer satisfaction. Although many electrical fault detection ... -
Bispectrum and energy analysis of wind speed data
(2017)The bispectrum has a different analysis functions compared to the power spectrum analysis. The bispectrum provides additional information for nonlinear or non- Gaussian data, and also the method gives detailed information ... -
Integration problems of photovoltaic systems-wind power, solutions and effects on power quality
(2020)Renewable Energy Sources (RES) are growing steadily in power systems, which is expected to meet most of the electricity demand in the future. Today, solar and wind energy sources are spreading at a great speed, which creates ... -
(2020)The most important requirement for deep learning algorithms to run with a low error ratio is the realization of the training process with a sufficient amount of data. Using synthetic data is one of the most common approaches ... -
Reliability and sensitivity analysis for closed-ring distribution power systems
(Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2022)This paper proposes a new method to assess the reliability of closed-ring grids by combining the total loss of continuity approach and the classical Monte Carlo simulation. The proposed method is called the Modified Monte ...