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Recent Submissions
The Relationship Between English Proficiency and EFL Students' Perceptions of ELF
(Bartın Üniversitesi, 2024)A shift in the paradigm of English language instruction is proposed, driven by the recognition of English as a global language of communication (ELF). This acknowledgment makes it increasingly pragmatic for EFL students ... -
Context Analysis of an English Preparatory School Program in Higher Education: A Case Study
(Akademik Perspektif Derneği, 2024)English education and the environment in which this education is given have a dynamic structure by nature. Therefore, an English teaching program must be able to adapt to this dynamism. This reveals the need to regularly ... -
Examining English Preparatory School Students' Perspectives on Online Collaborative Writing: A Wiki Experience
(İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim Üniversitesi, 2023)Wikis, blogs, and podcasts are just a few examples of the Web 2.0 technologies that have seen a significant increase in popularity in recent years among a larger user population. Significant advancements in the field of ... -
Impact of Using Authentic Videos on Foreign Language Vocabulary Learning
(Yakup Yılmaz, 2024)This study investigated the impact of authentic video use on the vocabulary reservoir of English language learners and aimed to compare the effectiveness of this technique to traditional techniques. The study included ... -
Investigating the Perceptions of EFL Teachers towards ELF: The Role of Teaching Experience
(Bartın Üniversitesi, 2021)The paradigm of English as a lingua franca (ELF) suggests that the contemporary status of English as a global medium of communication requires some changes not only in the perception of this language but also in English ... -
Social Impacts of COVID-19: Predicting the Unpredictability
(İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi, 2020)This paper aims at making an inquiry into the ongoing societal effects of the COVID-19 focusing on futuristic dimensions in the post-COVID-19 scenario while taking stock of the expected social changes in the world in ... -
A look into Turkish Efl teachers' perceptions towards Elf and its pedagogical implications
(Erzincan Binali Yıldırım Üniversitesi, 2021)The purpose of this study was to assess EFL teachers' perceptions toward English as a lingua franca (ELF) and its pedagogical implications. The research was designed using a quantitative model. The study examined 52 EFL ... -
A Developmental Study of the Attitude Scale towards Teaching Arabic Language (ASTTAL): Reliability and Validity Analysis
(Bilge Akademik Yayıncılık Eğitim Bilişim ve Danışmanlık Hizmetleri Ltd., 2023)This study aims to develop a valid and reliable measurement tool to determine the attitudes of Arabic teachers toward Arabic language teaching. The population of this study consists of 171 teachers and teacher candidates ... -
An insider and outsider view of modern Egypt by Waguih Ghali and Amitav Ghosh
(Celal Öney, 2020)The purpose of this paper is to expose an insider view of Modern Egypt in the fifties and sixties by the Egyptian writer Waguih Ghali’s Beer in the Snooker Club (1964) which is a semi-autobiographical novel written in ... -
The role of imagination in Cervantes’ Don Quixote and Yaşar Kemal’s The Other Face of The Mountain trilogy
(Bidge Yayınları, 2020)Dreams can play a liberating role to free individuals from repression and feelings of helplessness in the face of strict social rules, customs and mores. It may not be possible to lead a satisfying life under the overwhelming ... -
Halide Edib Adıvar’ın Ateşten Gömlek adlı romanında kadının milliyetçiliği
(Hayrullah Kahya, 2020)Kurtuluş Savaşı’nın önemli ve içten bir tanığı olarak öne çıkan istisnai romanlardan biri olan Ateşten Gömlek, bir ulusun yeniden varoluş mücadelesi, anlatıcı Peyami’nin sayıklamalarıyla dile getirilmiştir. Bağımsızlık ... -
Turkish EFL Students' Perceptions of ELF and its Pedagogical Implications*
(2021)English has established itself as a lingua franca for people from a variety of linguistic and cultural origins in today's more globalized world. As a result, English's current position is likely to have an effect on both ... -
The needs analysis of english preparatory school instructors towards professional skills in higher education
(Sciedu Press, 2021)Many factors affect providing high-quality English education and rendering it sustainable. One of these factors is undoubtedly ensuring the professional development of the English language instructors. An important way to ... -
The evaluation of health education program (HEP) of 9th graders
(International Knowledge Sharing Platform (IISTE), 2016)The main purpose of evaluation is to improve the quality of program. So, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the Health Education Program of 9th graders (HEP) with Educational Criticism Model of Eisner. The study ... -
XVIII. asır İstanbulu’nun kültür merkezleri olarak edebiyat mahfilleri: kültürel mirasın aktarımında “edebiyat mahfilleri”nin rolü
(Uluslararası Bilim Kültür ve Spor Derneği (UBİKS), 2015)Bu çalışmanın amacı; Osmanlı maarif hayatında ehemmiyeti haiz bir ilim ve irfan mektebi olan edebiyat mahfillerinin XVIII. asır Osmanlı içtimaî ve kültürel hayatına tesir etmiş başlıca misallerini incelemektir. Bu ... -
Crisis of liberal hegemony and the US
(İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2021)In the contemporary complex world, strain on the world order led by liberal hegemonic state of the United States seems obvious. In the Post-Cold war era, being swayed by the demise of the Soviet empire and the American ... -
Motivasyon modeli ile zenginleştirilmiş anlamaya dayalı öğretim tasarımının öğrencilerin İngilizce konuşma becerisine ve motivasyonlarına etkisi: tasarım tabanlı bir araştırma
(Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi, 2018)Bu çalışmada üniversite hazırlık öğrencilerinin İngilizce konuşma becerisini geliştirmek ve bu konuda motivasyonunu artırmak için motivasyon modeli ile birleştirilmiş anlamaya dayalı tasarım modeli kullanılmıştır. Tasarım ...