Bispectrum and energy analysis of wind speed data
The bispectrum has a different analysis functions
compared to the power spectrum analysis. The bispectrum
provides additional information for nonlinear or non-
Gaussian data, and also the method gives detailed
information on the phase information signal. In this study,
bispectrum and energy analysis was performed for wind
speed data for the regions of Turkey Kırklareli. Hourly
wind speed data of Kırklareli Region belonging to the year
2011 is used. Data were obtained from The General Director
of Meteorology, Ankara, Turkey. As well as time-amplitude
graph, energy graph obtained and monthly analysis is made
of this diagram. Subsequently, sufficiency level of speed
zones has been tested frequency from time and frequency
information by obtaining spectrograms of velocity
information. Random processes which are described more
accurately than statistically and high grade statistics for
processing phase information (more than two) and studies
on spectrum can provide useful results. In this context,
bispectrum of annual velocity information was obtained. In
addition to the bispectrum analysis, methodology of the
diagonal slices spectrum is used for data which do not show
mark in the non-linear structure or Gaussian distribution
researches. Also, after obtaining bispectrum surfaces,
monthly results through these charts were found and
evaluated by removing diagonal slices analysis. Peaks in the
bispectrum indicates the frequency component and phase
overlap in the signal. By means of these analyses, the
frequency component and phase conflict are determined in
the wind speed data. The results of the analysis determined
by the energy level was consistent with the wind speed.
Wind speed phase-coupling and diagonal slices are
calculated. As a result of the calculations, it is determined
low and high frequency groups.