Anecdotes of oral performance among first year English language university students
Zabitgil Gülseren, Ö. (2018). Anecdotes of Oral Performance among First Year English Language University Students. In Educational Sciences Research in the Globalizing World (pp. 74–82). St. Kliment Ohridski University Press.Özet
Anxiety in the Oral English Context
Learner anxiety gained significant attention as an affective variable in second
language research since 1970s. Several studies indicate that “learners” affective
domain does matter in the learning and teaching process” (Alico, 2015). There are
different types and degrees of learner anxiety. This research focuses on the types of
anxiety that generates in the face of oral performance when students are asked to
perform in the target language (English). Speaking is one of the most challenging
areas for language learners especially at the early stages of the language
development. Many language learners experience language anxiety (Horwitz, 1986;
Horwitz et al., 1986; Young, 1986; Liu, 2006). “Research in speech communication
also suggests anxiety can affect an individual’s performance” (Young, 1986, p.
440). Some learners exhibit their language learning challenges whereas some others
keep quiet, show no response or may look negligent to the untrained eye. In this
case, instructors may wrongly categorize these learners as uncaring and may give
up on them. It is necessary to understand that anxiety is a complex concept. It can
appear in a variety of ways and forms. “…research into the relationship of anxiety
to foreign language learning has provided mixed and confusing results… suggesting
that anxiety itself is neither a simple nor well-understood psychological construct”
(Scovel, 1978, p.132). This dilemma is partially solved as researchers have now
consensus that a little bit of anxiety is claimed to boost the learning energy which
assists the learning process whereas higher levels of anxiety impedes the learning
Learners in different cultural contexts suffer from detrimental consequences of
anxiety in language classrooms. Awan, Azher, Awan and Naz (2010) state that
anxiety is a state of fear, panic and worry. Learner anxiety should be noticed by
instructors and alleviating steps should be taken because unnoticed or ignored
anxiety lowers learner performance. Young (1986) highlighted the effects of
anxiety on second language oral production by noting that “…anxiety could
materially affect an individual’s avoidance behavior and the quality of language
input” (p. 440) in language classroom. Also, Liu (2006) found in a Chinese
educational context that one third of the Chinese students were anxious in an Oral
Communication class. Also, Wu (2010) found in a U.S. secondary school context that as many as one third of students expressed anxiety in a foreign language class.
These studies as well as others indicate that foreign language anxiety is not
experienced only in specific geographical locations pointing to the global
significance of this topic.
Researchers agree that anxiety can be experienced by anyone who attempts to
learn a new language. According to Clement, Gardner and Smythe (1997) high
levels of anxiety can take one in a psychologically aroused position where the
individual feels a constant state of apprehension and worry. Performance anxiety in
L2 is a more common experience than previously acknowledged. Striving students
sometimes cannot reach their best potential because of the interference of anxiety in
their learning process. This research discusses the characteristics of anxious
students as it appears in the oral and written expressions of 1st year 2nd semester
university students who major in English Language Teaching. Instructor
observations, instructor-learner interactions, and oral & written anecdotes of
learners provide a closer understanding of the anxiety experience of language
learners and consequences of anxiety in the learning process. Some practical
applications are experimented in the language class. Results of the study imply
pedagogical possibilities and further research for educators and researchers.