Browsing WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 804
106.38 PWW: Sin α + sin β and cos β-cos α
(CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2022)The Mathematical Gazette , Volume 106 , Issue 567 , November 2022 , pp. 514 -
19. Yüzyıl Temettuat Defterleri’ne Göre Üsküp/Koçana Kazası’nın Lorenz Eğrisi ve Gini Katsayısı ile Gelir Dağılımının Analizi
(Eskisehir Osmangazi Univ, Fac Education, 2021)Bu çalışma, 19. Yüzyılda Osmanlı Devleti Üsküp Eyaleti, Köstendil Sancağı, Koçana kazasının kent merkezi ve Koçana köylerindeki gelir dağılımı ve mesleki dağılıma ait bulguların değerlendirilmesini amaçlamaktadır. Aynı ... -
A 2-stage fuzzy anp approach for selection procedure of the optimum variant of office plan
(YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIV, 2023)To perform the tasks undertaken by the employees in the business life as desired; motivation, work in a comfortable environment and work efficiency. The physical order of working environ-ments; It is essential because of ... -
8-12 yaş arası çocuklarda bilgisayar oyun bağımlılığı, aleksitimi, sosyal anksiyete, yaş ve cinsiyetin incelenmesi
(Klinik Psikiyatri Dergisi, 2019)Amaç: Bilgisayar oyun bağımlılığı da teknolojik bağımlılıklar bağlamında ele alınan bir davranışsal bağımlılık türüdür. Bu bağımlılık türünün en çok çocuklar üzerinde olumsuz etkiler yarattığı görülmektedir. Bu araştırmanın ... -
The Abraham Accords: Can Interculturalism Solve Grave Conflicts of the Middle East?
(JOURNAL ECUMENICAL STUDIES, 2022)The Abraham Accords are intended to end the still-unresolved Arab-Israeli conflict. Introduced also as an intercultural project to ensure peace among hostile countries of the Middle East, the Accords have been welcomed by ... -
Ad creative generation using reinforced generative adversarial network
(Springer, 2022)Crafting the right keywords and crafting their ad creatives is an arduous task that requires the collaboration of online marketers, creative directors, data scientists, and possibly linguists. Many parts of this craft are ... -
Adaptive Metaheuristic-Based Methods for Autonomous Robot Path Planning: Sustainable Agricultural Applications
(Mdpi, 2022)The increasing need for food in recent years means that environmental protection and sustainable agriculture are necessary. For this, smart agricultural systems and autonomous robots have become widespread. One of the most ... -
Adaptive Protection in Smart Distribution Networks: Coordination Demonstration of Multi-Agent Systems
(IEEE, 2023)Modern protection relays play a critical role in ensuring the safety and reliability of electrical networks. These relays offer advanced communication capabilities for easy integration with other grid devices and enable ... -
An adaptive protection technique for smart distribution network
(Kaunas Univ Technology, 2020)The future distribution networks (DNs), commonly known as the smart grid is expected to be reliable, efficient, and can accommodate renewable energy resources. The smart distribution network has to withstand the technical ... -
The addition of polysaccharide gums to Aronia melanocarpa purees modulates the bioaccessibility of phenolic compounds and gut microbiota: A multiomics data fusion approach following in vitro digestion and fermentation
(Elsevier Ltd., 2024)This study aimed to determine how the addition of gellan, guar, locust bean, and xanthan gums affected the polyphenol profile of Aronia melanocarpa puree and the human gut microbiota after in vitro gastrointestinal digestion ... -
The advent of preventive criminal law: an erosion of the traditional criminal law?
(Springer, 2018)Criminal law in contemporary societies is undergoing a transformation or according to some, even a paradigm shift. The reach of criminal law is now extended to terrains that were hitherto immune to criminalization. These ... -
Age-friendly cities and communities questionnaire: A research on Turkish validity and reliability
(Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2022)Purpose: This study has been conducted to test the Turkish Validity and Reliability of the Age-Friendly Cities and Communities Questionnaire. Materials and Methods: This methodological research has been carried out in a ... -
Aizanoi Antik Kentinde bulunan Odeion yapısının malzeme özellikleri ve hasar durumunun incelenmesi
(Istanbul University, Research Inst Turkology, Dept Art History, 2021)The ancient city of Aizanoi is located in the Cavdarhisar district of Kutahya province. The city's first settlement dates from the Hellenistic period, and it retained its importance during the Byzantine period. Today, ... -
Aleksitiminin Dikkat-Değerlendirme Modelinin ölçümü:Perth Aleksitimi Ölçeğinin Türkçe psikometrik özellikleri
(Cumhuriyet Univ Tip Fak Psikiyatri Anabilim Dali, 2020)Objective: In this study, in order to assessment of alexithymia which showed strong relations with various medical and psychiatric/psychological disorders, was aimed determination in the Turkish sample of the psychometric ... -
Alevi Kimlik Talepleri: Yasal ve Algısal Boyutları ile Tanınma Mücadelesi
(Ilem, 2021)Bu çalışma, Alevi toplumunun kimlik ve inanç temelli taleplerini Alevi kanaat önderlerinin ifadeleri ile ortaya koymaktadır. Cemevlerinin hukuki statüsü, zorunlu din eğitimi ve Alevi dedelerinin durumu gibi konular, ... -
(Plapiqui(Uns-Conicet), 2021)The aim of this study was to determine the amino acid content and in vitro protein digestibility of breakfast cereals and evaluate their protein quality using in vitro protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score ... -
(Parlar Scientific Publications (P S P), 2021)The diversified and efficient use of sustainable energy resources is becoming more crucial day-by-day in today's energy-dependent world. In response to such a situation, alternative energy sources should be evaluated, ... -
Analysis of anxiety levels and attitudes of nursing students toward the nursing profession during the COVID-19 pandemic
(Wiley, 2021)Purpose This study was conducted to analyze the anxiety levels and attitudes of nursing students for the nursing profession during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods Data collection forms were sent online to nursing students ... -
Analysis of Health Care Personnel's Attitudes Toward Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Life Satisfaction due to COVID-19 Pandemic
(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2021)This study was conducted to analyze health care personnel's attitudes toward traditional and complementary medicine (TCM) and life satisfaction due to coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. This cross-sectional ... -
Analysis of instantaneous frequency, instantaneous amplitude and phase angle of ferroresonance in electrical power networks
(Slovak Univ Technology, 2019)Ferroresonance is a nonlinear phenomenon that damages the undesired, destructive system for energy transmission lines. The formation and development of this overvoltage ferroresonance phenomenon is an important research ...