Browsing Yabancı Dilller Eğitimi Bölümü Makale Koleksiyonu by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 36
Conditions on argumenthood in Turkish
(BÜTEK Boğaziçi Eğitim Turizm Teknopark Uygulama ve Dan. Hiz. San. Tic. A.Ş., 2014)Bu çalışma Türkçe’de yüklemcil adöbeklerinin sözdizimsel üyelere nasıl dönüştüğü konusunu ele alır ve durum yüklemelerin yokluğunda işlevsel bir başın yüklemcil adöbeklerini sözdizimsel üyelere dönüştürdüğü önerisinde ... -
Views of digital natives in a language classroom: are technological gadgets an assistance or obstruction?
(ASOS Yayınları, 2015)Technology pervades every aspect of our life today from everyday practices to different learning contexts. Inclusion of technology and technological tools in language education is a well-accepted phenomenon by language ... -
Nquisition and criticality in higher education: from vygotsky into classroom practice
(Aytekin İşman, 2015)Providing quality-education for adults has been a primary pillar of higher education. English Language Teaching (ELT) has similar concerns. ELT departments in universities aim to improve language skills of ... -
Is gender a determining factor in language strategy use: an inquiry into multiple factors at play
(Mannheim: S. Kalender, 2015)Research on strategy use in language teaching is not a recent topic. Strategy use in second language language education have aroused significant attention since 1970s and a great body of research explored the different ... -
İngilizce konuşma becerisinin öğretimine ilişkin ihtiyaçların değerlendirilmesi
(Mehmet Dursun Erdem, 2016)İçinde bulunduğumuz çağda küreselleşmenin etkisiyle ülkeler arası etkileşim, gelişen ticaret ve yoğunlaşan ülkeler arası diplomatik ilişkilerden dolayı artmıştır ve bu durum bireylerin ana dilleri haricinde diğer dilleri ... -
Mixed corrective feedback and the acquisition of third person ‘-s’
(Routledge, 2017)This study examines the effects of mixed oral corrective feedback (CF) on L2 learners’ oral production accuracy. Twenty-four EFL learners from two intact classes in a Turkish university participated in the study. The two ... -
The meaning of intonation in yes-no questions in American English: a corpus study
(DE GRUYTER MOUTON, 2017)In order to investigate the distinct nuances of meaning conveyed by the different intonational contours encountered in yes-no questions in English, we conducted a corpus study of the intonation of 410 naturally occurring ... -
Business naming practices in Turkey: the foreign effect
(ISTANBUL UNIV, FAC LETTERS, 2017)This paper investigates the ongoing influence of foreign lexical elements and Englishization on the practice of naming businesses in Turkey. It is argued that the impact of foreignization and the English language on this ... -
Negative polarity in Turkish: from negation to nonveridicality
(School of Liberal Arts, Nanjing University, 2017)This paper is concerned with the Turkish negative polarity items (NPIs henceforth) and the nature of various contexts in which they are licensed. Based on new data, it is shown that NPIs in Turkish are not only licensed ... -
The archetypal descent in Fuller's flying to nowhere
(Asian Philosophical Association, 2017)Death is not only a biological reality in life, it is also a reservoir of culture. The theme of death has intrigued minds of intellectuals in religion, philosophy and literature. The article presents views of death in ... -
The Investigation of Preparatory School Students’ Attitudes towards Learning Management System
(Asos Eğitim Bilişim Danışmanlık San. Tic. Ltd. Şti., 2017)Learning Management Systems, which are used in the field of education and considered as one of the effective learning tools (LMS), have a great importance especially in higher education and in the last decade, they have ... -
Needs Analysis in Program Development
(2017)The needs analysis, which is used in the field of education and is considered as the first and most effective step for the program development, has a great proposition in contemporary and real education. Especially during ... -
Nominals and number neutrality in languages
(WILEY, 2018)This overview article is concerned with number neutrality of Noun Phrases (NPs henceforth) across languages. Number is one of the fundamental grammatical categories, being found in both the nominal and the verbal domains. ... -
Noun semantics and number marking in Turkish
(Mersin Üniversitesi, 2018)This work investigates the semantics of nouns and the marking of nominal number in Turkish. Nouns in Turkish behave in a way that is significantly different from their counterparts in languages like English. They appear ... -
Negative polarity, scope of negation and negative phrases in Turkish
(Hacettepe Üniversitesi, 2018)This paper investigates a number of issues regarding negative polarity items (NPIs henceforth), the scope of negation and other negative elements in Turkish. First, based on new data, I argue that the distribution of ... -
Foreignization and Englishization in Turkish business naming practices
(Hacettepe Üniversitesi, 2018)This paper investigates the effect of foreignization and Englishization on business naming practices in Turkey. The question that is addressed is in what new ways foreign elements and English lexical items influence the ... -
Existential constructions in Turkish
(Yakup Yılmaz, 2019)The purpose of this paper is to investigate existential constructions in Turkish. The focus will be on the semantic, discourse as well as structural properties of Noun Phrases (NPs henceforth) in these structures. It is ... -
The cultural nationalism of Halide Edib Adıvar and Lady Augusta Gregory from the aspects of gender, language and anti-imperialism
(2019)This article demonstrates how the anti-imperial perspectives of Lady Gregory and Halide Edib shapedtheir sense of national identity, illustrates the ways in which they took a critical stance against Britishcolonialism and ... -
The effects of explicit recasts and output-only prompts on learning L2 grammar
(Hacettepe Üniversitesi, 2019)This quasi-experimental study investigates the potential benefits of two types of corrective feedback strategies, explicit recasts and output-only prompts, on the acquisition of English third person ‘-s’. Thirty-six language ... -
Characteristics of treating Arabic grammar in educational books for Russian orientalists
(Univ Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, 2020)This study aimed to identify the characteristics of grammatical rules treatment in educational books of Russian orientalists in teaching the Arabic language. Because of the rare study, this topic. This paper analyzes and ...